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Subtracted Series

Subtracted Series

This series of photographs is based on two ways that I respond to, or work with, the concept of information in an image. First, if I come across a detail or a larger scene in my travels that I don’t understand in some way or that seems strange or unique to me, I may be drawn to capture what I feel is some mystery, some hidden information within the image. Secondly, once I have an image to work with, whether or not its information or context is self-evident, I may crop it, rotate it, replace some of its content with blacks or whites and otherwise edit the image toward greater ambiguity and mystery.

I want to work with the original hidden or ambiguous information to increase these qualities. This process is based on subtraction, a subtraction of original visual information. Most important to me is that working in this way, the image often become more minimal, abstract, and powerful as information is taken away or subtracted.

I have gone over my photographic work from the past two years and chosen these images to represent this series and the general visual curiosity they represent for me.